martes, 7 de octubre de 2008

More about me...

Ohhh! I’m absolutely amazed. I’m amazed because my classmates have done a good job with their blogs. All of them have shown their opinions, descriptions or mysteries . Don’t get me wrong but I think that at the moment, the best one is the blog of: Jack the Ripper, well, this is my opinion. I suppose that I prefer this because he has chosen a very interesting topic.

I’ve read the article about tattoos. I like tattoos, I’m not wearing tattoos in this moment but in the future I would like to wear one on my arm with my name in a foreign language, not English of course, because the name doesn’t change. It will probably be in Chinese or Japanese. I completely agree with the doctor of the article, we should go to a tattoo parlour that is reputable. We often go to the cheapest one, but we have to think that we could be in risk there. Not always the best thing is the cheapest.

Well, I will tell you more things about me the next day.


This is an amazing video about beatbox. Have you ever heard about it? It’s becoming popular, if you never have heard about it, please watch the video and enjoy it.

1 comentario:

Nuria Vidal dijo...


-All of them HAVE SHOWN their opinions
-and other "things" (??) SAY WHAT! "THINGS" MEANS NOTHING!
-he HAS chosen a very interesting topic.
-one ON MY arm with my name in a foreign language,
-It will probably BE(WO)
-We often go to the CHEAPEST one